Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Teachers Revolt!

No hall pass for you! Can you imagine if teachers in the U.S. had strikes like this. Setting fires, taking over radio stations, exchanging bullets with the police. Maybe if teachers in the U.S. were a little more like this and took a more hard lined approach instead of coddling the children to death, they would learn more. I'm not saying that they need to bring an AK-47 to class and threaten the kids, but don't give special privagles to every kid that is hyper and thinks they have A.D.D.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Not Normal

Ok, this dude is a fruit-loop. Chester the Molester
I think he just ran out of money in Thailand(the home of NAMBLA if anywhere) and was feeling mad about not being able to become a catholic priest because he liked little girls instead of little boys. So he made up the story about killing Jon Benet, now he gets to come home and hang out with R. Kelly.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sad and Ashamed

1/3 of Americans don't believe in evolution or believe that it is wrong. Link. As an American I am ashamed to believe that in a country that values technology and education, that so many people can be ignorant. All those religious nuts that think the earth is only 6000 years old, and that man walked the earth with dinosaurs only a couple of thousand years ago, are to blame. I'm just sitting here shaking my head, wondering how people can be so ignorant. Hey all you people that talk to the invisible guy in the sky ( you too George Bush), put down the Bible and read a science book! Evolution for Dummies
Monday, August 14, 2006
Ask any married man....
A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research. Link
According to a study of 100 married men...
According to a study of 100 married men...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Where's George?

There’s a war in the Middle East. Thursday was Israel’s deadliest day yet. Iran is said to be rushing to resupply Hezbollah. Link
Israel has asked U.S. to help resupply them. Link
Cuba is in a sorta turmoil with Castro and protests and such. Link
Britian just foiled a huge terror plot.
Where is George?
Oh right. Vacation.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Don't smoke it!

In the next issue of Rolling Stone the Showtime series "Weeds" will have an ad, and an insert. The insert will smell like, well, weed. The Article
How many people are going to try and smoke it?
It is a good show though. Just bought the first season.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Create your own Universe!

Create your own Universe, just add Water.
They say it's completly harmless. Do I believe them. Well, just the idea of creating another universe with its own mini black hole that is seperated by a "wormhole"( which by the way is only a theory in itself),and will eventually break off from our unvierse and time... What! Well if it works, it will totally revolutionize the way we think about time and space. Just remember, when we first tested the A-bomb in the desert, people thought the reaction might start a chain reaction in the atmosphere and vaporize the planet. And look at all the great inovations weapons of mass destruction ahve brought the human race. Thats sarcasm by the way.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Better fill up your tank now.

Wow. so gas prices are already at uber high numbers, now this is happening. Oil pipeline is shutting down
Gas has already jumped up and the pipeline isn't shut down yet. Maybe all those CEO's and excutives at Exxon, mobil, and elsewhere will opt to not take thier millions in bonuses and put the money into efforts to help lower the price of gas. (stiffling laughter)
Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Chinese killing thier meat supply.....
A county in south-west China has ordered all 50,546 dogs to be killed to fight a rabies outbreak which has killed three people, state media say. It has taken five days, but authorities in Mouding County in south-west China say they have killed almost all of the 50,000 dogs in the area.
Some of the dogs were clubbed to death in the street as their owners watched.
Other dog owners took matters into their own hands, poisoning or electrocuting their pets.
They were paid around $0.60 (£0.32) for each dog in compensation. China has a poor record of animal protection. There are no laws to prevent cruelty to pets. The local government ordered the cull following an outbreak of rabies.
This would not go over here in the U.S. at all. Some motherFer comes to club my dog he's gonna get some lead poisoning. I'm one of those people that have more respect for a dog's life than most humans. Well not most, but more than one that would club a dog to death.
Some of the dogs were clubbed to death in the street as their owners watched.
Other dog owners took matters into their own hands, poisoning or electrocuting their pets.
They were paid around $0.60 (£0.32) for each dog in compensation. China has a poor record of animal protection. There are no laws to prevent cruelty to pets. The local government ordered the cull following an outbreak of rabies.
This would not go over here in the U.S. at all. Some motherFer comes to club my dog he's gonna get some lead poisoning. I'm one of those people that have more respect for a dog's life than most humans. Well not most, but more than one that would club a dog to death.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
A little dark humor....
ABC cancels Mel Gibson's Holocaust mini-series, but word has it he has another one in the oven.
More stem cell news.
(From a New Jersey Newspaper)
To the editor:Why is it moral, as implied by President Bush, to start a war in Iraq in which tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens have perished, but it is immoral, as per Bush, to utilize embryo stem cells for medical science?Following the logic of this president, why don’t we have Iraqi citizens donate Iraqi embryo stem cells to our laboratories and then allow advancement with medical science?
(From a New Jersey Newspaper)
To the editor:Why is it moral, as implied by President Bush, to start a war in Iraq in which tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens have perished, but it is immoral, as per Bush, to utilize embryo stem cells for medical science?Following the logic of this president, why don’t we have Iraqi citizens donate Iraqi embryo stem cells to our laboratories and then allow advancement with medical science?