Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006

Ok, Pravda, one of Russia's largest news organizations, has some pretty funny and unique takes on what is news. Like this story, about a boy who thinks he is a martian. And supposidly in 2009 and 2013 the earth will have very bad years, catastrophes will occur connected with water. HMmmmmm. I love reading stories like this. If everything in that article would be true then it makes you open your eyes to everything around you and makes you question all those stories that you have previously said bullshit too.

Anywho looks like Saddam is gonna swing.
Monday, December 18, 2006
What a long strange trip it's been.
It's been a while since I've posted. I've been busy in my personal life with goings on and such. Anyways, I figured I'd post about the big news now in politics about Hillary and Obama. Apparently the Democatic party will be represented by one of these two figures. Well, Hilary isn't going to win the Presidency. I will gaurentee that. The only people in New York that like her are in N.Y.C.. Now obama, he has that inexpierance going for him, and his skin color, which should not matter but there are enough racists in this country that it will matter. Now on the elephants side we have Rudi and McCain. I would love to see Obama win, actually just because he is younger and more in tune with things I think then a-lot of these other "Lifeer" (lifer?, I can't fuckin spell) politicans. Also because of this quote I read about him; Reporter- Have you ever smoked pot, and did you inhale? Obama-Yes I inhaled, that was the point.

Friday, December 01, 2006
Don't Teach those girls!
This story just makes me sad. So much anger and hate in this world. Osama and his merry men are in Afganastan but hey, lets throw all our forces at Iraq. Bush is such a dumbass.