IF we did attack Iran.....
An interesting article on if the U.S. and Iran got into a conflict and some of the possible outcomes of such a thing. Article Here Some things I believe are unrealastic like this statement here; Iranian-Americans living in the United States are rounded up and placed in detention camps, recently built by Halliburton. China and Russia begin to send large shipments of armaments to Iran, including their most sophisticated weapons. 
Click on picture to read sign.
Come on, really? Japanese-Americans were rounded up during WW2 and there was little outcry then, but today is a different era, and if that were to happen I think the outcry would be much louder.
Three months after the start of Operation Iran Secularization the Chinese discretely inform the Pentagon that nuclear tipped missiles have been deployed in Iran. The Bush Administration is forced to resign and the 2008 Presidential elections are moved forward to 2007. The transition administration declares an unconditional ceasefire and begins to withdraw all its forces out of the Middle East, including Iraq.

And no way would the Administration resign. If nuclear missiles were in Iran's hand I really think the Booshites would let them be used as an excuse to turn Iran into a glass desert. or at least everywhere in Iran not near Oil.

Click on picture to read sign.
Come on, really? Japanese-Americans were rounded up during WW2 and there was little outcry then, but today is a different era, and if that were to happen I think the outcry would be much louder.
Three months after the start of Operation Iran Secularization the Chinese discretely inform the Pentagon that nuclear tipped missiles have been deployed in Iran. The Bush Administration is forced to resign and the 2008 Presidential elections are moved forward to 2007. The transition administration declares an unconditional ceasefire and begins to withdraw all its forces out of the Middle East, including Iraq.

And no way would the Administration resign. If nuclear missiles were in Iran's hand I really think the Booshites would let them be used as an excuse to turn Iran into a glass desert. or at least everywhere in Iran not near Oil.
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